Wine low in fructose?

For an optimum of digestibility

Although more and more people are affected by intolerances, doctors often do not take that into consideration when making a diagnosis. It is therefore not uncommon that people only after years of suffering take the initiative to have a fructose intolerance test.

Searching for a maximum of digestibility we have also made some tests in this field. As those were very successful we were able to expand our range with low-fructose wines.

About fructose

Fructose is a simple sugar, also known as fruit sugar, which can be found in many foods in varying concentrations. Foods and drinks in which fruits are processed are particularly rich in fructose. Fructose remains in the food unless it is processed by alcoholic fermentation. In other words, some or all fructose remains in foods and drinks.

Typical symptoms of fructose intolerance are cramps, nausea, stomach ache, flatulence, trembling, paleness, sweating and diarrhea. The symptoms usually occur immediately after consuming foods or drinks containing fructose.

How to produce low-fructose wine

Grapes have a high content of fructose when they are sufficiently ripe to produce sugar. During the alcoholic fermentation the fructose is converted into alcohol. If the fructose is fermented completely, a residual fructose value of less than 1g/l remains in the wine.

Example: A wine has 3g/l total residual sugar. This is composed of approximately 1.5g/l fructose and 1.5g/l glucose. The higher the residual sugar, the more unequal the distribution.
All wines are tested at the Federal Office of Viniculture.

All wines which are labelled “low-fructose” have a fructose content of less than 1g/l. The residual sugar is composed of approximately 50 % fructose and 50 % glucose.

Our low-fructose wines are a further step to give people who suffer from several intolerances the possibility to drink and enjoy wine.

Customers who suffer from fructose intolerance should definitely try these wines.

Low-fructose trial pack

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